
Welcome to the Power of Positivity Blog site. Thank you for stopping by! Perhaps we crossed paths briefly and exchanged information or maybe you attended a live set or followed a link. Whatever path brought you here I am grateful you came.

I started the Power of Positivity Blog to express thoughts and reflections on Scripture as well as life. The Power of Positivity Blog adds a refreshing yet under represented perspective on life, Scripture, music, and more. I am a DEEP thinker and Scripture nerd. Blogging gives me a place to converge my analytical mind with my creative mind. Quite frankly I love blogging! I appreciate the space it provides for me to appropriately express thoughts that may be more in depth, expansive, and vast than day to day conversation merits. Blogging is for readers and writers. I enjoy both. Furthermore, I notice that the views and thoughts my friends and acquaintances have on commonly discussed topics or current events are quite different than the opinions I see expressed on social platforms. Blogging allows me to join the conversation. I hope you enjoy and interact!

A Little about Leslee McCoy

I am a musician with a multifaceted discography. I am a lyricist/vocalist as well as a  producer/instrumentalist playing clarinet, saxophone, some guitar, and keyboard. I make “music that speaks…because music should say something.” I manage the brand Ishshah and coined the phrase, “A Movement for Biblical Womanhood is Here! Ishshah Clothing is the store I own and operate. I enjoy living a minimalist lifestyle filled with outdoor activities such as camping, jogging, riding motorcycles and living the beach life. For booking information and updates please see the Get Connected page. Please check out my music below and on the My Music Links tabLast but not least I share my thoughts, Bible studies, and devotions on my blog titled Power of Positivity. I am humbled by your support and encouraged to press forward…stay tuned!

My Jazzy Instrumentals

My Lyrical Flows

Leslee McCoy